Take a moment and let your mind be free.

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I am a woman of the earth. I’m perfect in my imperfections. Secure in my insecurities. Peaceful through my trials. Strong in my weaknesses. Beautiful in my own way. I am who I am. But it hasn’t always been like this.
I have battled depression and suffered from racism. I have been beaten down, and I know what it’s like to not know who I am or be the person I wanted to be. I have struggled. I have walked others’ paths. I have wondered what it would be like to feel free.
I am a woman of this earth. A person of this earth. Just like you. And I want you to feel free, too. Knowing who you are is a journey. It involves giving yourself permission, it involves acceptance, and it requires commitment. But it can be done on your terms.

I found faith and inspiration through the art of self-care. Through daily rhythms and practice. Redefining my perspective of health, beauty and wellbeing was the start. My vision for Evaleh is for it to be where beauty meets wellness, and it is the reason behind our motto “own who you are” because there’s simply no brighter glow than the one that comes from within. We SEE you, and we know you deserve the best.

So are you ready? To find your inner beauty and let it shine? To walk your path with intent and vigour? To take care of your own self? After all, it’s the only one you have.
Your journey starts today. Walk with us.
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